

Happy Easter Everyone!

• To review vocabulary related to Easter
• To practise speaking skills

Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians. It celebrates their belief in the resurrection, or the rising from the dead of Jesus. Jesus was the founder of the religion of Christianity. Easter is always observed on a Sunday, but its date varies. Easter is a time to celebrate new life. The young chick emerging from the egg is a symbol of the Resurrection and our emergence to new life. Easter takes place in the spring when new life comes to nature. At Easter, as the days grow longer, we light candles and proclaim Jesus as the light of the world. During the Easter season, we remember that Jesus died on the cross for us, rose from the dead, and gave us the gift of peace. 

Are these statements True or False?

1. Easter day is always on a Sunday.

2. Easter is on the same date every year.

3. Easter eggs symbolise rebirth.

4. Lent lasts for the 50 days before Easter.

5. The Easter rabbit is a symbol of fertility.


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