The Lion and the Mouse.

The Lion and the Mouse.


At the end of 45 -minute period, students are expected to

1. Identify the characters and events in the story;

2. Answer Wh-questions

3.Formulate and generate ideas and principles from stories to be applied in real life scenarios 

1. Put the story in the right order

2. Tick ΓΌ True or False





1. The lion ate the mouse.




2. Hunters caught the lion.




3. The mouse helped the lion.




4. The mouse wanted to eat the lion.




5. The hunters killed the lion.




6. The lion laughed at the mouse.




7. The small and weak can help the strong.





3. Fill in the blanks

1. The mouse was _________, not big.

2. They tied the lion to a _________, not a wagon.

3. The lion didn’t want to play with the mouse, he wanted to _________ it.

4. The mouse ate the ropes ___________, not quickly.

Task 4. Answer the questions and explain your answers using ‘because’ or ‘when’. Example:

Who was naughty?

The mouse was naughty because he disturbed the lion in his sleep.


Who was angry?


Who was terrified?


Who was amused? (=laughing)


Who wanted to break free?

Who was helpful?


Who was surprised?


5. Write  sentences. Use the words in the boxes.



The lion


The mouse






little and brave.

big teeth.

“I can help you”.

“I am going to eat you”.

clever and helpful.

the king of animals.










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